9 members of the group above were scared away by the "swine" flu and are not pictured. One of the above photographed members came in on Saturday with a van load of people not knowing she was infected until later that night. She wound up having a mild case and was fine by the time she left. No one else contracted it so we were thankful.
Unbelievable record heat for October came this week due to tropical storm Olaf that blew in from the Pacific across Mexico and Texas and gathered up all the heat we believe was located in those two places!! The heat index soared at about 106 degrees for 3 days. Also, for one of those days torrents of rain fell that is almost always welcomed here!
A terrific attempt was made on Sunday to have a simulcast service with Poplar Springs church. We had our den set up with a large screen and webcams at both places, invited neighbors and got ready to join them in the service when the computer at the church suddenly went on the blitz not allowing us to hear or view the service. You know you are doing something right when so much goes wrong!! Swine flu, tropical storm and this!
None the less, of the group who stayed and managed to work out the situation, it turned out to be a wonderful week. The group helped us rebuild our greenhouse that was taken down in Katrina and later built as a shower house for our camp. We are very grateful that after 4 years we once again have this structure going up that will help us continue to minister to the area people by being able to share the produce grown. We had a temporary structure for the past two years that we were able to use and the much bigger new permanent one is truly a blessing.
The group also helped us clear a grown up area behind our shower house that was harboring snakes and black widow spiders, and oh, poison sumac!! Wow, what sacrifice!! They helped us relocate the contents (a lifetime collection of rocks and minerals) to a permanent location inside Brandon's playground. We are ever so blessed and grateful for this labor of love as well.
But, the most important work that was done this week was the continuing work of the Lord leading us into fellowship with those He has given us as friends in the area. Meals were held on the back porch due to the "quarantine" of the swine flu in the camp. We still had a wonderful time of caring and sharing despite the heat and the bugs.
We didn't get a chance to say it on the webcam on Sunday, but Poplar Springs we want you to know we are ever so grateful for the commitment your church has in supporting us in your prayers, your love and devotion to coming here and continuing the work God has brought before us with Hurricane Katrina. We certainly pray it continues for as long as He desires.