Thank you Poplar Springs for this visit. As always seeking to do God's will. And we know God has surely blessed this week.
We see it in our community and in our own families. People searching, seeking, floundering, unsure of what they really want and what their real purpose in life might be. Looking for fulfillment in life by seeking things, pleasure, security, or other people to fill the void in their lives and give them the contentment and satisfaction they so long for. They are missing the very essence of life. What they are missing is JESUS.
Together with God's disciples that is the message we are striving to share with the world. Sharing the gospel message is what we as Jesus' disciples have been called to do; ministering together in the cause of Christ. That was what this week was about.
We thank these two families who came and served and we look forward to October and the church's next visit.