This week, June 1 - 7, was the fourth trip to Power of Prayer Ministries for this hard working group of volunteers from Randolph, MS. The first trip for the youth of the church. The young people of the church work very hard as well!! Many lives were touched this week as they worked with the area people then invited them to camp to share and enjoy their company.
Some of the work and fun this week were of the rare and unusual kind not as yet done here at POP. One of them was the laying out and planting of hundreds of daylilies donated by one of their church members who grows the daylilies as a hobby. Along the sidewalks leading up to the camp and our shower house we cleared long beds for the lilies, then after the plantings, a watering system was installed. Mulch was then added and the final touch was the lighting system! What a beautiful addition to our camp this donation has made!! God has got to be pleased with such a sight. His wonderful creations in every possible color and style lining the path for all to see and enjoy. WOW!! A big thank you to all who came and participated in this truly amazing work and a million thanks to Billy for his wonderful donation of the lilies.
And as if this donation of lilies weren’t enough, Mr. Billy and the hard working youth of the church also cleared a bed along the driveway of one of our neighbors to plant more of the beautiful lilies he brought especially for them!
This group also worked hard in the hot sun this week cutting grass for some of our elderly neighbors POP ministers to on a regular basis and a new contact that we made. They were very grateful for this tremendous help. One lady came to the camp for the first time to have dinner with the group. She was delighted to have been invited and to visit with the young people because she has no living relatives. We are thankful that God has put us in touch with this lady through the servanthood of this group. We will surely continue to keep in touch with Ms. Shirley.
All of this hard work led up to special times of fun. One thing we did was have a “tea party” for the youth in appreciation of working the flower beds. Our neighbor Aimee, who was the recipient of the donation as well, helped to serve the youth. First only the girls joined in, however, the boys couldn’t stand it and they soon joined in to enjoy the tea and fun! They also enjoyed going to the beach and learning to “skin board” by one of our teenage neighbors. He invited them to swim in his pool which they also enjoyed. We know God is happy when we serve Him together working hard for others and then having fun together in His name afterward!!