Most of the groups who come down lately have been “regulars” to our work. This group is no exception. This has been the third trip for Pleasantdale. We are so grateful for faithful servants to God’s work here in Waveland. The ones who have been here before recognize the need because they see it first hand. And year after year they see the slow progress that is being made to rebuild. It is such a struggle for most of the people here.
This group came all the way down here to work for two days. The men of the group worked continually on Joe and Cindy’s home to complete the rough in electrical system. They are so thankful to have this work done. They had 32 feet of water destroy their home. Rebuilding is difficult due to very strict building codes now in effect since Katrina, triple costs of insurance and other government enforcements hard to comply with for most people. But through it all, God is there for them sending volunteers to help in His name.
The ladies of the group did yard work. Working on a yard that we thought impossible to deal with!! Never have we seen such a sight. Hundreds of plants in containers, there since before Katrina woven together with very high grass and weeds scattered throughout the entire front and back yard. It is truly impossible for this elderly lady stoke victim to contend with. But not for our fearless crew! They tackled this yard with vigor and determination to at least cut paths through this maze of plants so Ms. Betty could walk and enjoy what is left of her beloved plants. They did a very fine job and she was so pleased she gave them plants as “pay”.
An unusual request was answered by our group as well. A neighbor of Ms. Betty asked that they weed her little flower garden. She even provided them with a “hoe” and gloves to perform the job. She was tickled to have this done for her and they were tickled by her kindness and sense of humor!!
They also cut the yard of one of our elderly neighbors we minister to on a regular basis. Thank you gang for coming down and working so hard in so little time. The rain held them up on the second day, otherwise, they would have done more.
This group also took time late in the evening to enjoy learning to “skin board”. Thanks to our young neighbor for sharing his skill with our groups so that they can enjoy the beach and water. We are also thankful that Brandon has a good friend in the Lord, Noah, who comes with his parents on these mission trips and that they have bonded and hopefully will be lifelong friends. They enjoyed swimming together and playing games.